

    • If the lost book is not available for replacement, as per G.O. 1028/A3/93. H.Edn. Dated 28/05/1993, the value of the lost book will be realised at the following rates: a) Ten times the face value of the books which are published prior to 1946. b) Six times face value of the books which are published, prior to 1970. c) Three times face value of the books in all other cases.
    • Books of reference section and periodicals will not be lent but they may be referred within the library hall on production of identity card.
    • No person shall lie on benches, chairs or tables and no waste paper shall be thrown on the floor of the library.
    • No person shall commit any nuisance or take of refreshments inside the library.
    • Strict silence shall be observed in the library hall.
    • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited inside the library.
    • Degree students are permitted to borrow 1 book, PG students 3 books and staff members 10 books at a time. Each student is given library cards (1 for degree students and 3 for PG students ) which have to be deposited in the library at the time of receiving books.
    • The normal loan period of a book is 14 days. If the date on which a book is due to be returned happens to be a holiday, the next working day will be the due date. A fine of one rupee per day will be levied if a book is retained beyond the due date. Absence from the college will not be entertained as excuse for delay in returning books. While collecting the fines, the intervening holidays will also be taken into account.
    • All books must be returned by the students and staff at the end of the academic year for stock verification.
    • The transfer or sub lending of books to any one outside the college is strictly prohibited inside the library.
    • Library reading section and reference section are not to be used as study area.
    • On leaving the library, all users are required to produce for inspection all books and items taken out of the library.
    • Surveillance cameras are in use at marked locations in the library.
    • Stern action shall be taken against any users who steal or vandalize library materials/equipment.
    • The library staff on duty has the right to request a user to leave the premises if he/she is found to be violating any of the library rules.
    • To provide access to resources and information services necessary to support the learning, teaching and research activities of the users;
    • To carry out appropriate development work in librarianship with the aim of improving the library services;
    • To teach the students and the staff in the use of the library and to develop their information skills;
    • To maintain effective links with all the college staff, let them understand and respond to the challenges in education an approaches to learning.